
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Just absolutely happy :)

I am just happy with life :)
it has been so great this past week

Swimming lessons will be done tomorrow
I going to miss my kids but I will be happy to have a break for a week

I have been putting this stuff called 'Sun in' in my hair
and it is making it look awesome!!! 
it makes me a happy camper:)

I also have been making new friends all over the place
so that is just GREAT:)

my skin is getting so tan!
oh yes!!!
 I have been waiting for this for ever
I love the sun and it loves me
(except when we get in fights and it burns me)

I am loving life:)


Sunday, June 26, 2011


Just a quick thing....... I have love
he is an amazing love

he is so cute and so cool!!
he is on the Glee Project
and I am in love
also his name is Cameron which just adds to him bing my love:)

this one is my wall paper on my phone :) 
this is my love
oh yes:) :)

well i just wanted to tell you so....yeah:)

love steph

1950's and 40's how I love you

if I could live in a different time it would be the lovely  40's and 50's
I love the clothing
the music
the movies 
       the pictures
       the books
Everything from then

I don't know what it is but I just love this time
it just make me a happy girl :)
sometimes I really wish I could live then 
here is why: 

I like the late 40's and early 50's 
(this is a way good movie)
I love all the oldie movies:)
I can't remember all of them but these are just a few

mmmmmm this makes me happy :)

well thats all for now

Love: Steph

Friday, June 24, 2011

Things I ponder

My head was full of questions last night
some of them I could answer but there are others
that bring even more questions....

here are some of them:

where will I being going to collage?
what do I want to do with my life after/during collage?
will I be a good student council member?
why do I have a fungus growing on my foot? (I really do ahha. sick.)
will I go on a mission?
will I ever reach that goal of a six pack? ahah
who are my friends?
where will I be in 6 years?
who the heck am I going to marry? ( this one is always on my mind ahahah)
who would I be with out my family and friends?
why do I remind my sister Jessica of the Cheshire cat?
what is the big plan for Stephanie Carlson?

I think I can answer only like 3 of these...

I believe I will be going to UVU. but I am not totally sure yet but I think I will go there. After that I have no idea.

I think the Fungus is from me teaching swimming lessons. There must be some thing in the water that got into my skin that made an infection. But I cant be sure. It itches.

Me and Sarah talked about who are friends are last night and we aren't really sure ahahah. Well there is Annie, Camille, and other girls but who are our guy friends ahah? We have a plan to figure that out by the beginning of the school year.

I would be lost with out my family and friends. End of story.

My other questions just make my head spin ahahha. But I guess one day they will be answered....except for the Cheshire cat one...I just don't understand that ahahah

well thats all for now
have a great day:)

Love: Steph

Saturday, June 18, 2011

the tramp...and other stuff

Pardon my French but

cuss cuss cuss

and some more cussing

all that goes to putting up a freak'n tramp in my backyard
it took so long and my arms hurt from it
the dang dogs wouldn't leave me alone the whole time putting it up
they just kept bring the ball back to me the whole time
I was like
"the one time you actually bring the ball back, is now?"
but we finally did it and got that puppy up
for victory I jumped vigorously for 15 min hahah

that is one project you can count me out of next time.

well any way
I was just thinking I could go for some rainbow cupcakes right about now
or some Orange Leaf
yes that would be very nice :)

I will be th PUBLICITY/ PUBLIC RELATIONS officer for next year!!!!
OH YES!!!! 
that is the position I wanted so stinkin bad!!!
I am so so so happy!!!
It is going to be the best year ever!!!!

that's just about it for now
so till next time
remember.......... unicorns only live in Australia  :)

Love: Steph

Friday, June 17, 2011

threw heck and back again...jk

I lived!!

i froze my butt off
but i lived

i have a few words to say to you 
but i wont cuz mom would not approve of them.

i didn't shower for 4 days
i slept in a sleeping bag that wouldn't zip up
there was a "full Moon" in my tent
Wrestle mania with me, jenny, claire, and sabyn
telling stories of my first kiss and other peoples
putting up huge tents twice
went zip lining and bruised my hip
oh and FROZE my BUTT off

so all in all it wasn't to bad
i just never want to see that camp ground ever again in my life.

so this is me telling you that i made it
i lived 
threw heck and back again
(kind of)

Love: Steph

i will now go wash my nasty nast hair

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

girls camp......and camping

let me tell you a little thing about Stephanie

I hate to camp

there I said it. I am sure some of you want to rip out my tongue and dance on it
but it is a cold hard fact

I hate to ruff it in the woods

all the bugs, putting up the tent, no flushing bathroom, no showers, sleeping in the freezing cold
some people find joy in all of that. they feel it makes you a better person. that it builds character.

well I say you are wrong. I have enough character as it is. I don't need to go through all those lovely things to build my self up.
I am happy here in my house thank you very much.

but I am going to try to have fun. I am sure it will be a blast once we get up there. but as of right now it is the last thing I want to do. 
so lets give a cheer for camping hip you stink
I will see you in 4 days. heaven help us.

Monday, June 13, 2011

has someone felt this way about me??

i wonder if any can hear this song and think of me.....
(if you are a boy of course ahahha)
but take out the part about having the child ahah

maybe.......hopefully..... :) :)

just thinking about it

love: Steph

Peace and Zen

close your eyes

breath in 

breath out

clear you mind

you are now in Steph's Peace and Zen class
today we will be just relaxing
there will be some yoga and stretching
no talking
just let your mind take you to a far off place where your worries gently drift away with 
the breeze 

are you to that distant place?


now let me tell you about why i am writing about this
well it is because i love all that Zen and finding the in beauty stuff like that
it just is so clean and lets you relax
go somewhere for a while where no one else is
in this wonderful place you can make plans, feel free, relax, and just no have to worry

in my far off place 
im in the sand just taking deep breaths
all i can hear is the crash of the waves on the shore
all i can smell is the sweet smell of the ocean
a breeze moves the leaves on the trees
the sun dances though spaces in the leaves

breath in

breath out

thank you for coming to my class to day
see you tomorrow:)

love: Steph

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Music for the summer

Well i found that music makes me very happy
i have to listen to some kind of music every day or i go a little crazy ahah
so my friend Annie is going to go and get me some music
so here are some songs that are going on my ipod and making my summer better

1. Next 2 you by Chris Brown ft. Justin Bieber
2. Bring on the commits by VHS or Beta
3. Dream by Hannah Montana
4. Ain't no rest for the wicked by Cage the Elephant
5. We'll be alright by Travie McCoy
6. When I look at you by Miley Cyrus
7. The World I Knew by Jordan Sparks
8. The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars
9. Blue Balloon by Kallie Shores

there are other songs but I cant think of them ahha
these songs aren't in the order of me liking them they were just in the order of me thinking of them
so this is my playlist for the summer
if you have any other songs that I can add to this it would be much appreciated:)
so let me know if you do:)
Love: Steph

Saturday, June 11, 2011

School.......I kind of want you back

i know that is what you are thinking right now but let me explain this crazy idea

1. i want school back so i can have a schedule again
instead of just laying around all day 
staring at my stupid phone that wont please me with a call or text from anyone.

2. i want to go new clothing shopping
that is the best part of the whole stinkin year (i think)
the new clothing that will show just how cool i am (hahah just kidding. im not cool)
i want all my clothing to come from Swell
they have the kind of clothing i love.

3. i want to see all my friends again
i feel like i haven't seen my friends in a really really long time
i want to make a ton of new friends this coming school year
that is one of my goals

4. i want to be a Jr Class Officer
i already am one but i want people to see that i am
i want to wear my spiffy new council sweater

5. i just want the social part of school
no homework
no stress
just hanging out having a good old time with my friends in the hallways

this is why i kind of want school to come back
don't you agree?
ponder that and let me know :)
love: Steph

Friday, June 10, 2011

Dreaming and my strange dream

What do dreams mean?
Why do we have some dreams that make our heads hurt?
Why do we dream the things we dream?

It makes my head hurt thinking about why we dream. Some of the things I have dreams about are really crazy and some time strange. 

Take last nights dream.......

It was a stress dream. This much I know.

So it starts out with me, my mom, and my sister Jessica all driving in the car down a PG street. there were no houses any where. It was just open fields and giant mountains. I am sitting up front and I take of my subclasses and see that they are cracked..

Me "oh no my sunglasses are cracked. How did this happen?"
Jessica "It is fine just go and buy a new pair"
Me "Wait i am going to be late to my first day of swimming lessons!!! (I teach swimming lessons at the local rec center) Mom we have to hurry home!!"
Mom "look at the will probably not have to go"

So I look out the front window and see the blackest and scariest storm coming over these huge mountains. then I take a close look at the mountains..

Me "look at the mountains......they remind me of lord or the rings. but wait look at the ones over there....can you see that they have like huge people drawn in to them?"
Jessica "no. I cant."
Me " that is so crazy!!!! Mom we have to get home!! I didn't put any sunscreen on yet!!! (at this point in the dream I can feel my self getting stressed. it is slowly coming in to me.)

I look down at my glasses again and see that they are cracked even more. I look out at the rod before us and see that it is just a dirt road that winds and turns to my house.

This is the slow motion part. I get out of the car. (all the colors in my dream have turned to black and white) I am running to front door trip and fall in a puddle of mud. struggling to get up i lose my shoe. I have to keep going i say. i look at the clock and i wont be on time.

this is where the dream ends I think. I cant remember the rest. Another crazy thing about this dream is that I woke up to my self like shaking in my bed. like crazy shaking.

that was one strange dream. I will let you know if i have any others like this.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer days

Me and my friend Sarah decided to have fun with photo taking yesterday
so here are the pictures we got...

 These two pictures are my favorite ones:)

I hoped enjoyed that.
have a nice day:)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

bored and bored of being bored

The worst thing about summer is
having nothing to do and being bored all the time.

it is a dull day today, yesterday, and tomorrow (probably)
I just wander around my house for hours upon hours
I will just sit on my couch and stair at the wall.

I am so sick of this!!!
I want to do something fun everyday!!
Someone call me to hang out.
I don't care what we do. I just need to get out of this house.

I would go to the pool but who wants to be seen in a poopy swim suit.
no one..
but that is me. the girl you see at the pool with a swim team suit on.
lame. lame. lame.
why does everything have to cost money?

I would like something to do today.
Some one please give me a suggestion on what to do.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

my shoes came!!!

YEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!! my wonderful shoes came in the mail just about 10 min ago!!!!!!!!!
i am so happy i got them!!!!!!!!!!! My Puma El-Rey Cross Perf L WN's Shadow-Steel Gray-Scuba 8 1/2's!!!!!!
they look like this!!! but instead of the pink it is a baby blue!!!!
i got the blue cuz it is my favorite color :D

Favorite Singer!!!

OK......I have a secret obsession with Kallie Shores. ahhaahh Not like in a creeper weird way. it is just that i love her music!!! let me just tell you!! it is so goooooooood.
the tunes are good. the lyrics are my favorite part. she also has a dang good voice. 

So how did i come to finding out about her?? let me tell you...
So my friend his older brother is dating her. he told me that she was a singer.
and that she was really good.
i went home and looked her up on Youtube and itunes and here we are today....
me listening to each of her songs 50 times a day (not really but i listen to them a lot).

i think she is pretty much super cool. I cant wait for her to make some more music!!
if she ever has a concert i want to go so bad to it. 
so if any one ever goes to one of her concerts and has an extra ticket
i would love you forever!!

my favorite song she has would be Blue Balloon:) yes. yes. yes.
it just makes me happy :) hahah

My friend gave me her CD :)
i just wanted to jump for joy when he did!!
(don't worry I'm not really a crazed fan. i just really like her music)

and......some one please take me to one of her concerts. (if she has any coming up)
i really really really really want to go to one or two:) 
haahah well thats all:) 

Love: Steph

P.S. my blog is lame. i need some help. what would make it better? tell me.
i mean it is super lame.