What do dreams mean?
Why do we have some dreams that make our heads hurt?
Why do we dream the things we dream?
It makes my head hurt thinking about why we dream. Some of the things I have dreams about are really crazy and some time strange.
Take last nights dream.......
It was a stress dream. This much I know.
So it starts out with me, my mom, and my sister Jessica all driving in the car down a PG street. there were no houses any where. It was just open fields and giant mountains. I am sitting up front and I take of my subclasses and see that they are cracked..
Me "oh no my sunglasses are cracked. How did this happen?"
Jessica "It is fine just go and buy a new pair"
Me "Wait i am going to be late to my first day of swimming lessons!!! (I teach swimming lessons at the local rec center) Mom we have to hurry home!!"
Mom "look at the sky......you will probably not have to go"
So I look out the front window and see the blackest and scariest storm coming over these huge mountains. then I take a close look at the mountains..
Me "look at the mountains......they remind me of lord or the rings. but wait look at the ones over there....can you see that they have like huge people drawn in to them?"
Jessica "no. I cant."
Me " that is so crazy!!!! Mom we have to get home!! I didn't put any sunscreen on yet!!! (at this point in the dream I can feel my self getting stressed. it is slowly coming in to me.)
I look down at my glasses again and see that they are cracked even more. I look out at the rod before us and see that it is just a dirt road that winds and turns to my house.
This is the slow motion part. I get out of the car. (all the colors in my dream have turned to black and white) I am running to front door trip and fall in a puddle of mud. struggling to get up i lose my shoe. I have to keep going i say. i look at the clock and i wont be on time.
this is where the dream ends I think. I cant remember the rest. Another crazy thing about this dream is that I woke up to my self like shaking in my bed. like crazy shaking.
that was one strange dream. I will let you know if i have any others like this.