
Saturday, September 24, 2011

I need a sport in my life

Today I decided that I need to join a team.
Zumba is a great work out but it just isn't going to give me those nice thy muscles and all that good stuff. I need to find a sport that will take away all my stress. Lacrosse was great but lets just put it like this....I only did it for the cool equipment, status of being on a team, and boys in my ward played. I cant take that rout again. Swimming was so fun but It was way to stressful and time consuming. Also I pretty much threw up every time I had to swim in a heat. (I did get pretty good tho). 2 down and I need a 3rd one.

I have always wanted to play soccer. It looks like so much fun and my sister does it. It might be a little late for me to be good at it. So that's a no for soccer.

I heard that Rugby blast and a half. Our family friend Chase plays it. We went to one of his games today. Let me tell all of you something about this sport. IT IS A BRUTAL GAME. It looks like so much fun tho. So that's a maybe.

Kickboxing. That is one thing I have always wanted to do. You can kick someones but while getting super good muscles. That's just what I want. But I don't know of any places that have a team for that. Not sure on that one.

hmmmmmm........? I just want to be on a team and get all the cool stuff, play fun games, maybe beat someone up, get super great muscles, and all that jazz.

Love: Steph

1 comment:

  1. A few friends and I are putting a team together for JR. Jazz basketball in the fall.

    Wanna play with us? We could definitively use a few more players!

    email me if you're interested!

    p.s. my word verification word is "diedness"
