
Monday, September 19, 2011

Can't live with them...Can't live with out them

We know this saying all to well by this point. It has been said scene the Dinos ruled the land. And it is the truest thing ever. Nothing can better say how we feel than that statement there.

BOYS, BOYS, BOYS!!! you make every single girl crazy.

Why do you have to be so complicated? Can you please just tell us what you mean. Don't beat around the bush. Just say it. What ever you say if it is good, bad, happy, or sad at least it will be said and not "kept for a later date". Let it just be known.

As of right now I really don't know what to do or say. Every thing just gets to complicated when I do open up my mouth to talk about my man issues. Every one just says something to this effect:

There are so many fish in the sea.
Duh. I know this.
Then why not fish for them?
Well because.....I am to lazy to fish and last time I went fishing it was a little crazy.
Well you need to try again.
Na. I don't want to. It's just to much work. Plus I hate this fishing analogy.

Can you all just stop being lame boys and be the ones we all love. That would make things so much easier. We want to be around you so be more fun to be around. Really it's not that hard. Put on your big boy pants and be fun. Not lame and other stuff.

Few, sigh, breath in and out. I just had to get that out there. That feels better (kind of).

Love: Steph

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