
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Perfect Man.

Here is one of my most thought about things:
who I will be marrying. 

Pretty sure this little HUGE thought runs threw my head all day everyday.
I have every thing planed out for me and him.
Everything. No joke.

let me just show you with words (and some pictures)

So we will just be the coolest people in the whole world. All the other couples will be jealous of us.
We will have inside jokes and fun games.

he has to be funny, caring, returned missionary, not very out going, able to have a good time at all times, 
a little taller than me, good hair, nice smile, mustache (optional), my best friend, and the cutest thing
on two feet (duh).

you know how some girls are all about the big muscles, tan, out going, all around super hero guy.
I don't really care for that stuff. Yeah he needs to have a nice amount of muscle (cant have a gut).
play at least one sport would be nice. I don't know I just don't like all that big showy stuff. I like the boys 
that will drop every thing and come hang out with you. Tell me how he feels if he is having a bad day. 
All that good stuff:)

AHHHH!! I just can't wait!! because I know we will be perfect for each other.
also he has to dress AMAZINGLY or else.....

here is what I am looking for in clothing (for him and me):

this suit is so Hot ahaha

these are all for him:)
GlamouR » ANGEL.GE
postcards from italy

Stuff like that. I love the V-neck look, hoodies, sometimes beanies, Cardigans, all that jazz:)

now for me:)
    F a s h i o n ; ♥

Stay beautiful.    Lola Jagger
          (these jeans will be mine one day!!)

I love hoodies, t-shirts, skinny jeans, stripes, skirts, boots (all shoes!)
stuff like that.

this is the best plan I have for anything right now:) and it makes me so happy!!

Love: Stephanie

Monday, September 26, 2011

The oldies!! nothing can beat them. nothing.

this music has a special spot in my heart.
it reminds me of being a little kid and watching all those old movies.
it just makes me happy all over:)

so let me share just a few with you.

there are so many more!! i just dont have enough time to share them with all of you.
maybe next time:)


Love: Stephanie

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I need a sport in my life

Today I decided that I need to join a team.
Zumba is a great work out but it just isn't going to give me those nice thy muscles and all that good stuff. I need to find a sport that will take away all my stress. Lacrosse was great but lets just put it like this....I only did it for the cool equipment, status of being on a team, and boys in my ward played. I cant take that rout again. Swimming was so fun but It was way to stressful and time consuming. Also I pretty much threw up every time I had to swim in a heat. (I did get pretty good tho). 2 down and I need a 3rd one.

I have always wanted to play soccer. It looks like so much fun and my sister does it. It might be a little late for me to be good at it. So that's a no for soccer.

I heard that Rugby blast and a half. Our family friend Chase plays it. We went to one of his games today. Let me tell all of you something about this sport. IT IS A BRUTAL GAME. It looks like so much fun tho. So that's a maybe.

Kickboxing. That is one thing I have always wanted to do. You can kick someones but while getting super good muscles. That's just what I want. But I don't know of any places that have a team for that. Not sure on that one.

hmmmmmm........? I just want to be on a team and get all the cool stuff, play fun games, maybe beat someone up, get super great muscles, and all that jazz.

Love: Steph

Monday, September 19, 2011

Can't live with them...Can't live with out them

We know this saying all to well by this point. It has been said scene the Dinos ruled the land. And it is the truest thing ever. Nothing can better say how we feel than that statement there.

BOYS, BOYS, BOYS!!! you make every single girl crazy.

Why do you have to be so complicated? Can you please just tell us what you mean. Don't beat around the bush. Just say it. What ever you say if it is good, bad, happy, or sad at least it will be said and not "kept for a later date". Let it just be known.

As of right now I really don't know what to do or say. Every thing just gets to complicated when I do open up my mouth to talk about my man issues. Every one just says something to this effect:

There are so many fish in the sea.
Duh. I know this.
Then why not fish for them?
Well because.....I am to lazy to fish and last time I went fishing it was a little crazy.
Well you need to try again.
Na. I don't want to. It's just to much work. Plus I hate this fishing analogy.

Can you all just stop being lame boys and be the ones we all love. That would make things so much easier. We want to be around you so be more fun to be around. Really it's not that hard. Put on your big boy pants and be fun. Not lame and other stuff.

Few, sigh, breath in and out. I just had to get that out there. That feels better (kind of).

Love: Steph

Friday, September 16, 2011

sleep wont come....neither will dreams

1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep, 4 sheep, 5 sheep, 6 sheep.......(you get the rest)

I have been counting those dang little sheep all night
and nothing has happened.

I tried to think of the most amazing dream I could think of.
that did nothing

I am wide awake at 3:08a.m.
and school is in 4 hours!!
yay!! (ssssss....boooo....ssss)

why wont beautiful sleep come?

hmmmmm.....let me answer my own question...
no one knows.

but it's ok.
it gives me time to think with out any distractions.

here's what I am thinking:
1. I cant wait for homecoming!! 
2. I need to kind of maybe take a shower
3. I really want to have a really cool tea party 
4. I wish I could fly
5. who am I going to marry?

this list goes longer but I was sick of making a number list.

I need to do some Zumba.
aka: the best work out in the world.
(don't say its not cause your wrong)

why? well because I just had a piece of pizza at this early hour.
that's a no no if you don't want to get fat.


1,    2,    3,    4,    5,    6 sheep.....

Love Steph

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things

i didn’t know that. 













Sunday, September 11, 2011

...almost cloud 9... :)

Today I felt alive. 
leaving everything behind...
I don't want to take something that isn't mine...
but I cant help it...
and I never felt so alive
(shoopdeedoo by Kallie Shores)

This how I am feeling!! Just supra great!!!!:)

I don't think anything could bring me down
from my own little cloud 9.

Everything is coming together....almost...I still have one thing to check off my list.
crossing my fingers and praying that it works.

yesterday was the cure a was looking for.
thank you:)

have a wonderfully beautiful day!!:]

Love Steph

P.S. cross your fingers and toes and maybe your nose for me!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Dear Life


Can we talk about a few things?
it wont take long. just a few minutes of your time to read this.
I wrote it just for you.

alright lets get this over with......
here we go....

first I have a question.......why do you always get so crazy during school time?

Actually I have a few questions..........why do you make my head hurt? why do I never have time for anything?

Don't worry. take your time to answer.

Scratch that....I want you to answer them now. right this second. no exceptions.

second. I would like a map of what you have planed for me. I would like to know when I have a "hill or mountain coming up." I want it mapped out perfectly. No twists or turns that will surprise me.. that would mean a lot to me. Thanks.

last thing........... let me just take a break for one second. that would be nice. I want some quiet time to myself. that's all.

write back if you wish. I want to know what you have to say to me.
thanks for your time.

From your well (very well) known friend: Stephanie

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

We will be the coolest, funnest. just most awesome

Shinny shoes, hair spray, petty coats
bow ties, skirts, and slacks 

This is a small list of the big things that homecoming brings.

I have a secret...shhhh dont tell....but me and Doyle
ARE going to be the coolest people there. 
Hands down. No contest. We win.

So this is my plan....
 I wear this skirt and a fancy shirt
( the skirt has a petty coat under it to make it poof)

Then Doyle wears a bow tie and a sweet outfit.
and my hair will be all cute.
Greatest plan ever. Yes I think it is:)

It will be the best!!!! 
I cant wait for that night!

Love: Steph

p.s. I will be putting more pictures up once I get some:)

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I got asked to homecoming!!
I wanted to get asked so bad and I did.

so here is how it went down:)

so this past Friday I went to the football game at the high school
oh yeah just another football game.
no it wasn't.
so I was standing my my friends Katie, Hannah, Sabyn, Doyle, and Rachel
we were all cheering and yelling having a great time.
then there was a break in the game (a time out I think).
over the speaker system I hear
"Is Stephanie Carlson here?"
I am freaking out!!
everyone around me is pointing and yelling "she is right here!! right here!!"
I yell.."yes I am here"
the speaker says
"will you go to homecoming with Doyle?"
"yes of course I will!!!" I yell as I cover my face so no one can see it get all red.
that was the best

so ends one of the best nights of my life:)
I am so happy I get to go to homecoming with Doyle!!
it is going to be a blast

Love: Steph